Saturday, April 10, 2010

Simultaneous Chess Exhibition By GM Nigel Short

In conjunction with the Kuala Lumpur Chess Open 2010, a simultaneous chess exhibition was conducted by a well-known grandmaster on Saturday afternoon. Here are a few pictures of the simultaneous chess exhibition given by GM Nigel Short, England at the tournament hall of the Kuala Lumpur Chess Open 2010 on the afternoon of 10th April 2010.
There were ten chess boards on the L-shaped table. By the time, I arrived, two tables were done, leaving eight players playing against Nigel Short. The last table to finish was Table 10 where Abdul Haq Mohamed was a piece ahead of Nigel Short. In the end, a draw was agreed by both players and my guess is the overall score for Nigel was 9.5:0.5. Excellent score, I would say.
Pix 1. Nigel does his rounds.
Pix 2. Amier Hamzah (nearest)
Pix 3. Abdul Haq at table 10.  
Pix 4. Nigel attends to the tables.

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